Swimming Free

Swimming Free, Division V Elementary School
Swimming Free Div. V-E, First place, Sculpture
In this colorful and unique mixture of colors, from the boldest blacks to the whitest whites and beyond, I hope I captured the true beauty of Orcas; also called Killer Whales. Frankly, I don't even know why people call these beautiful creatures "Killer" Whales. I also know about what's happening to not just Orcas, but all animals everywhere. Science has shown that animals lifespans are reduced in captivity. Take SeaWorld for instance. I have been a longtime fan of their Orca shows but I also realize that these Orcas are not the happiest in that setting and when they are released from captivity, most of them do not know how to survive in the wild. That's why I named my piece "Swimming Free". I wanted to portray the happiness of an Orca in the wild.

Division V Elementary School (Cat I Sculpture)    7 x 6 x 5.25   

Paper Clay, Acrylic on Lava Rock