Indian Swirl

Indian Swirl, Division V Elementary School
Indian Swirl Div. V-E, First place, Drawing
Indian Swirl captures my Indian roots and me as an American girl with a little twist. I made this art piece inspired from a photograph of mine taken while celebrating the festival of Diwali (Indian New Year).I think that I am living the best of both worlds, and as I spin in my lehenga chunni, a traditional Indian outfit, I embrace my Indian heritage. It is like unlocking another part of who I am. The way the pencil colors show the motion, excitement, and beauty of this moment, I can almost feel the Diwali celebration come alive again, like that memory is captured by the layering and swift strokes of the bright colors I used to portray this.

Division V Elementary School (Cat D Drawing)    12 x 9   

Colored Pencils