Soul Anticipate: Poem With Interactive Soundtrack

Soul Anticipate: Poem With Interactive Soundtrack, Division I Professional
Soul Anticipate: Poem With Interactive Soundtrack
A box gifted to me was deconstructed and arranged to accommodate several musical sounds describing nature. Each sound is accompanied by a short verse of a poem written on old milk carton lids. The viewer is encouraged to interact with the sculpture to stroke the chimes ("Warm Sun Radiate), bang the drums (thunder reverberate), turn the rainstick (Soft Rain Saturate), rub the ribbed block (Crickets Communicate), hit the wooden base (woodpecker Syncopate), and ring the bottle caps (Rainbow Shimmers Celebrate).

Division I Professional (Cat I Sculpture)    31.5 x 15.5 x 7.5    $250.00   

Wood Box, Recycled paper (momogami) leather, recycled items.