Memory Blocks - Life Phases (Rotating Artwork)

Memory Blocks - Life Phases (Rotating Artwork), Division I Professional
Memory Blocks - Life Phases (Rotating Artwork)
“Memory Blocks - Life Phases” is an Acrylic on canvas with a rotating frame so that the artwork can be viewed and rotated easily without having to take it down from where it hangs. This Abstract was created to represent blocks, or lapses, in one’s memory when reflecting on different stages of one’s life, which can be seen with a little imagination as one rotates the canvas by 90°, starting with this position which is a memory of a group of kids playing under a tree. Rotate counterclockwise (to the left) and you see a person with the strength to carry the tree while wading waste deep in life’s obstacles represented by imaginary water. One can imagine seeing another person suggested assisting behind them to the left. Rotate the artwork to the left 90° and see a tree/person a little bent representing a life well lived. Another turn 90° to the left and one can imagine seeing a person walking downhill as the last stage. Of course, as an abstract, the artwork is open to different interpretations based on each viewer’s own life experiences.

Division I Professional (Cat H Abstract/ Experimental/Non-Objective Art )    21.5 x 17.5 x 1.5    $480.00   
