
Raina, Division I Professional
Raina Div. I Honorable mention, Sculpture
Raina, is a close friend's dear pet. As a birthday surprise, I found old photos of his dog, who had recently passed away, to work from. Raina was a playful Golden Lab who had gotten my friend through some of the most difficult times in his life. I wanted to capture that spirit. I also was thrilled to try to bring out such a deep relief from a fore-shortened position. It was a difficult challenge for me, but rewarding as well. I've spent the year sculpting animals and was not used to a dog's anatomy. My only experience had been people! I found a model skull online to helped. I sculpted Raina in water-based clay, then made a silicone mold and plaster cast. I stained it with just a hint of 'golden cream' and gave her pale rusty eyes and tongue.

Division I Professional (Cat I Sculpture)    12 x 12 x 2   

Plaster cast from water-based clay original. Stained with acrylic paints and sealed with museum wax.