Joseph, The Dreamer

Joseph, The Dreamer, Division I Professional
Joseph, The Dreamer Div. I Honorable mention, Sculpture
Joseph, the Dreamer was sculpted from water-based clay. I then made a silicone mold and plaster cast. I painted the relief to look 'aged' with watered-down calligraphy links. I wanted to depict the memories of the trials and triumphs that Joseph, based on the Bible story, would have been contemplating as he looked back over his life. There are no Egyptian reliefs that share that story, so I freehand drew each panel to show specific moments. They were based on weeks of research of how Egyptian relic elements. I wanted it to look 'stone-carved' since they were usually carved in stone. The hieroglyphics say, "The man who dreams' in Egyptian. I used classical figurative sculpting techniques used in ateliers in Europe for centuries. I learned much of these techniques by studying the baptistry doors in Florence by Ghiberti. Most of this relief is very low. Some of the background designs are only slivers of beveled clay shaped with tiny little handmade tools. However, Joseph is a 3/4 portrait which stands out about an inch from the background. I loved imagining his feelings and thoughts both of betrayal, slavery, and success..all trusting in God's guidance. He was a dreamer.. and dreamers have to trust that one day those dreams will come true!

Division I Professional (Cat I Sculpture)    14 x 22 x 1.5   

Plaster cast from water-based clay original, painted with calligraphy inks.